Core purposed to be seeking Assistance, Guidance, Mentorship, Scholarship, Help & Sponsorhip aswell to be offering Assistance, Guidance, Mentorship, Scholarship, Help & Sponsorhip among Reddy Relatives Internationally, Leading to overall well being of Reddy Community Internationally.
" Well studying Reddy farmer son from a village can seek for scholarship and well settled Reddy family anywhere across the world can offer scholarship to this student leading to overall well being of that students career & life. "
" Reddy unemployed youth anywhere in the world can register their qualifications and Candidature - Reddy entrepreneur across the world can recruit qualified Reddy professionals and provide job, Leadinv to the overall well being of that reddy professional family & community. "
" Reddy bride / groom anywhere can register themselves and seek right / Gothra Reddy bride / groom and can initiate marriage proposals. "
" Well settled Reddy professionals,families, entrepreneurs can adopt other Reddy families, villages, communities and support in their overall well being "